
Paddle for a Purpose

I am fundraising for..

For you, E! 

Our mission is to host the largest paddle out in support of Breast Cancer Research Centre WA, amplifying awareness, fostering solidarity, and celebrating the strength of women. Together, we paddle with purpose, raising funds to drive research, empower survivors, and celebrate the resilience of women facing this disease.

Help me fundraise to solidy my spot in making history!

My Achievements

Unlock BCR-WA Hat

Unlock BCRC-WA Tote Bag

Unlock BCRC-WA Tee

Thank you to my Sponsors


Joanne Penaranda

Thank you for raising awareness and support to eradicate this pervasive disease. You're amazing and such a blessing to me, my sister from another mister 😘😘



Fuck Cancer!


Claudette Raymundo


Jacqui Zanetri

You’re an inspiration!


Justine Joseph

We fight for those who are fighting, who fought, and hopefully no one needs to fight in the future!